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Teenage Students Raising Hands
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC School classroom
  • Is Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC a profit making company?
    No PYP is not a profit making company. When setting up a company you have to choose which legal structure would be best suited to your organisational needs. We wanted to build a Social Enterprise company that would not only strengthen communities but also allow us a level of independence to choose how we would remain sustainable. Therefore we decided to register Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) as a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) by guarantee. This means the company has no shareholders to profit from the business. Additionally, CIC's are regulated by The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies,who have powers to act to protect the community interest.
  • What is a Social Enterprise and how does this make PYP differ from a standard company?
    The phrase 'Social Enterprise' refers to the way in which a business or organisation operates. As a social enterprise you have a social or environmental purpose at the heart of your business, and you seek to reinvest any profits to continue doing good work. PYP social enterprise exists purely to; tackle social problems, improve communities and provide families with access to education, employment. training & entrepreneurship.This means just like a normal business we will trade and sell products and services to generate profits, but unlike ordinary companies, these surpluses are reinvested back into the business for the benefit of the community. PYP also does not have any shareholders, and all the resources we hold are 'Asset Locked' which means that in the event of anything ever happening to our organisation they can only ever be transferred over to another not-for-profit company. This structure offers the reassurance that any money or resources donated to PYP will always be used for the needs of the community and not for personal gain.
  • Is Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC known to the public by any other name?
    Our official registered company name is 'Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC.' However, as seen throughout our website, we often use only 'PYP' (pronounced 'pip'). We also have an abbreviated version of our logo design such as the one seen below:
  • What Family Services does Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) offer?
    PYP offers three core family services which are: ​ Family Support Service Youth Crime Prevention Service Financial Education Service ​ The 3 core service's consist of prevention and early intervention family programmes that target Poverty & Youth Crime and incorporate; Education, Employment, Training and Entrepreneurship. Examples include: Youth Projects, Seminars, Workshops, Network Meetings, Online Activities and Outreach Events.
  • Where is PYP based?
    Our PYP Community Office is located just outside the Birmingham City Centre, and is where the PYP Team are based. This office is lead by our administration staff who provide telephone information and guidance for all enquiries regarding; bookings, sales, referrals, sponsorship, donations & volunteering. Full details about our Community Office opening times, contact information and activities can be found on our Contact Us page.
  • Where are PYP services carried out?
    Our services are carried out within our PYP Community Office or other designated venues located across the City. These locations include; schools, colleges, hospitals, church halls, community centres, children centres and corporate settings. Family consultations usually take place within the home, school or our community office. In addition to this, since the Covid-19 pandemic, we have introduced online activities via internet platforms such as; Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.
  • Are PYP staff safety trained in relation to working with young people and families?
    Yes. PYP has a number of company policies that all staff have to work in accordance with. Staff also hold qualifications and possess certificates & experience in their specialist fields such as; health & social care, youth work, counselling and public speaking etc. All PYP staff hold an Enhanced DBS Certificate and depending on roles and responsibilities will have received the necessary training and certificates in the following areas:​ ​ Child Protection Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults GDPR / Data Protection First Aid / Basic Life Skills Food Hygiene PYP also has other company safety measures in place, such as: ​ PAT Testing Public Liability Health & Safety Risk Assessments Employee Liability Lockable Filing Cabinets Internet Safety Software
  • Does PYP collaborate or partner with external agencies?
    Absolutely yes. Whilst many of PYP services involve our experienced in-house team, we recognise the value of working alongside individuals who are able to provide additional field knowledge, skills, expertise and 'lived experience.'
  • Do the PYP programmes consist of mixed gender & ethnicity groups?
    Unless otherwise specified, all our programmes consist of mixed gender groups; i.e. male & female. However, within the programmes we may offer targeted sessions aimed at a particular group, but these would be clearly advertised. Our attendees come from all locations across Birmingham, with some travelling from bordering areas outside of the city. Their backgrounds, nationality and ethnicity vary, but are mainly; Black, Dual Heritage, Asian & White, and all with English as their first spoken language.
  • Are PYP Family Services available to all young people?
    PYP Family Services are available to vulnerable and 'at risk' young people aged 8-25 years, living within Birmingham and it's surrounding areas. We particularly encourage referrals for the two following groups: Vulnerable and 'at risk' black boys aged 11-25 years living in Birmingham. Vulnerable and 'at risk' girls aged 11-25 years living in Birmingham.​
  • Why does PYP encourage Black Boys & Young Girls over other vulnerable and 'at risk' individuals?
    All young people are important to PYP and therefore our services are available to all who meet the criteria. However, the reason we encourage referrals for these two groups is because: ​ Research has shown that black boys are disproportionately disadvantaged in many areas including; education and employment. In addition, the media portraits a very negative image of young black boys, which has a detrimental effect on their ability to prosper in their adult lives. Our aim is to help change the narrative surrounding young black boys by providing them with firm direction, positive role models and opportunities that will lead them to make constructive life-changing decisions to counteract these negative stereotypical perceptions. The media paints a very false impression of the female body image which has been shown to have major negative influences on the mindset of young girls. This can result in low self-esteem, a dislike of their own bodies or a desire to be 'liked or wanted.' Sadly, this can push them in the direction of sexual exploitation and being used in ways which ultimately lead to very unhealthy outcomes such as; STD's, teenage pregnancies, eating disorders and suicide. We aim to change young girls perception of self image by teaching them the principles of self-love and the positive impact it will have on their lives.
  • Who can refer young people to PYP?
    The majority of PYP referrals are received from professional agencies such as; Schools, YOT, Children Services, PRU's & Voluntary Organisations. However, we also receive self-referrals from parents and individuals aged 18 years (+). Referrals are usually funded by the referring agency, parent or individual unless at the time of the referral there is funding or sponsorship made available to PYP to cover the full or partial cost of the service of interest.
  • Do you accept self-referrals from parents/carers for their child?
    Yes. PYP always receives requests from parents/carers about a place for their son/daughter. As long as the child fits the criteria we are happy to accept the referral. However, it's important to remember that if accepted, the place would have to be privately funded by the parent/carer, unless at the time of the referral application, there is funding or sponsorship made available to PYP to cover the full or partial cost of the service for the child. Alternatively, the parent/carer could speak to the child's school to see whether they would consider funding the service for the child.
  • Are PYP Family Services FREE?
    Some of PYP services are free, however unless specified, PYP services are chargeable. It is therefore vitally important that all agency referrers read our terms for payments (below) and confirm payment arrangements with their organisation's finance department prior to submitting a referral or requesting to book any of our services. With this in mind it is always best to contact our Community Office in the first instance to check whether we have any funded or sponsored places at the time of your inquiry, that may be available to you at either no cost or for a reduced fee.
  • Why do we have to pay for PYP services?
    PYP is a not-for-profit organisation, and as much as we would like to offer all our services for free, that would not be feasible because just like any other company, we too have monthly running costs that we cannot escape. Sadly, some really great community organisations have been forced to close due to severe financial pressures, therefore we have to apply charges for our services in order to generate an income to enable us to survive. Families are struggling even more so now since the covid-19 pandemic and cost-of-living crisis. However, the greater the demand for our services, the more our expenditure increases. Therefore in order to remain sustainable we have to make our services chargeable. We are always trying to seek financial assistance to help cover either all or partial costs, so that the most 'in need' families do not miss out on the help they require. And whenever we do receive grant funding from public, private or voluntary sector investors, to cover the costs of our programmes, we always advertise this via our website, social media platforms, agency partners and throughout the main statutory outlets.
  • Does PYP offer any funded/sponsored services?
    Yes. Some of PYP services are provided completely free or at a reduced cost whenever we are able to do so. This is usually when we receive funding, sponsorship, investments or donations. Examples of these occasions may be: When a local church sponsors a PYP event or activity by letting us use their venue at no cost; When local business traders donate food and drink for our PYP projects or workshops at no cost; When a corporate company sponsors a PYP outreach event by funding the full or partial cost; When a public, private or voluntary sector funder awards PYP with a grant to cover the total cost of an activity. Examples include; the Police & Crime Commissioner's Office, West Midlands Police & The National Lottery. All FREE services are advertised as such and places are issued on a 'first come-first serve basis.' As you can imagine, these places are taken up very quickly with priority often going to agencies such as; Schools, Youth Offenders Team, Children Services & Pupil Referral Unit's. This is because they have access to the families who are most in need of our services.
  • What is the criteria for families to access PYP services for young people?
    A minimum of 3 categories on the criteria list below must apply in order for the young person to be eligible for PYP services. ​ Is aged between 8 - 17 years living in Birmingham. Is aged between 18 - 25 years living in Birmingham. Lives in an area associated with youth violence/gang behaviour. Is at risk of grooming, criminal exploitation, or sexual exploitation. Is at risk of being negatively influenced by family relatives. Is known to be, or suspected of, carrying a dangerous weapon. Is known to be, or suspected of, carrying, or using illegal drugs. Is affiliated with older youths and/or gang members. Is associated with individuals who have criminal backgrounds. Lives in a socio-economically deprived area. Is at risk of being excluded from school. Displays challenging behaviour at school and/or home. Shows signs of low self-esteem/low self-worth. Has poor school or college attendance. Is from a single parent household. Is from a low-income household. Is Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
  • Does falling into more than 3 categories give a better chance for a place?
    PYP has a strict criteria list and applicants may fall into any number of categories. Our decisions are based on 'need' rather than on who ticks the most boxes. For instance, a young person who fulfills three categories may be accepted over another who has six. This is because we take a number of factors into consideration that may impact priority. Nevertheless, if a referral does not receive an immediate offer, the young person may be placed on our waiting list or even signposted to another organisation.
  • Our Agency has a young person who fits the criteria, what should we do next?
    If you have a young person who fits the above criteria and would like to refer them to our Family Service in the first instance we recommend you find out from your designated personnel or department whether PYP is currently a service provider for your organisation or agency. If we are, then all you have to do is inform us via email and request a 'Family Support Referral Form.' If PYP is not a provider for your agency, and you would like to use our services, then please do not hesitate to contact us so we can discuss your options and answer any queries you may have.
  • Where do Parents & Professionals obtain PYP Referral Forms and how do we return them to you?
    Referral forms can be obtained by sending an email request via our Contact Us page. PYP may use electronic referral forms which are accessed either through our website or by a web link which we would email to you. These forms are quick to complete and are returned to us via a 'Submit' button at the bottom of the form. We may also use other referral forms that need to be downloaded onto a computer before they can be used. After the form has been completed it must be returned to PYP via email as a PDF attachment. We understand that not everyone is computer savvy or even have access to I.T equipment and internet services. Therefore we also have a hard copy (paper) of our referral form for anyone who would feel more comfortable completing the form by hand. If you would prefer this method then all you have to do is call the PYP Community Office where a member of our team will discuss alternative arrangements with you.
  • Can a referral be made to PYP via any other methods?
    No. Unfortunately PYP cannot accept referrals from agencies, parents or individuals who have not gone through the official referral channels. So please do NOT phone us to make a verbal request or send an email containing any information about a young person and their family as neither of these methods will be accepted. However, you are more than welcome to call the PYP Community Office or email us for more information, guidance and/or to request a referral form.
  • Are there any special instructions that professional referring agents must comply with?
    Yes. Referring agents must ensure that parents/carers are fully aware of the referral and have given consent for PYP's prevention and early intervention service. Evidence of this must be recorded on the referral form in order for the case to be considered.
  • Does PYP offer support services for Parents/Carers?
    Absolutely, yes we do. As an experienced Family Service Provider, PYP knows that you cannot work with young people and expect to see a positive change without making provisions for their parents/carers. So although our services are targeted at the young person, we apply a family-centred approach. Our Parenting Support is available to parents/carers of young people aged 8-25 years, who fit into a minimum of two categories on the list below, of which one must be the mandatory option: ​ Are unemployed Are low-income earners Are struggling with debt Are living in social housing Has no family bank account Has no family life insurance Are in receipt of DWP benefits Has no family savings or investments Are always borrowing money from family & friends Spends little or no time with extended family members Are in domestic bills arrears; i.e. rent, mortgage, council tax Has no spare money for recreation, leisure or for socialising Are regularly using bank overdraft to pay for monthly outgoings The parent has a child aged between 8 - 25 years living in Birmingham (mandatory)* ​ Nb. Referrals must be made via the young person. This means that a parent must be referred via an Agency or Organisation that the young person is connected to, i.e. School. This is because our services must at all times be for the benefit of the young person.
  • Will I be expected to pay for PYP Services?
    Unless otherwise specified, all our services are chargeable, so yes there may be a fee attached to the service you require. Prices can be obtained from our Community Office during opening hours. You may call or email to request this information. It is important that public, private and voluntary sector agencies check whether payment arrangements have been authorised by your organisation's finance department prior to submitting a referral or requesting a booking. Parents/carers who make a private request for PYP services will be responsible for covering the cost of the desired service. **In both cases please check whether PYP has any full or part funded places at the time of enquiry which could contribute towards the cost of the service you require.**
  • What are PYP's terms and conditions for payment of Products & Services?
    In order for PYP to remain sustainable and to prevent the organisation from failing due to inadequate finances, we have to maintain a steady weekly and monthly cash flow. As funding is not guaranteed, the only way for us to do this is to ensure that we not only keep a strict eye on spending, but also need to capture as many sales as possible, and collect the funds upfront. Our preferred method for all payments of goods & services is via direct bank transfer. We are also happy to accept online payments via our website and other reputable platforms (where applicable) and transactions made through card payment facilities, where available. However, there may be times when none of these options are possible and to deny a cash payment could result in PYP missing out on prospective sales, thus having a detrimental affect on the sustainability of the services we provide for families. So for this reason, we will accept cash, however, we will not accept private cheque payments under any circumstances. PYP's payment terms are as follows: ​ We will not accept private cheque payments for products & services from individuals; We will accept cheque payments from trusted organisations such as; government bodies; We will accept cash payments, but this will usually be during PYP outreach activities and fundraising events; Regardless of method, all payments must be received in FULL, prior to any product or service being provided; All payments made via Bank Transfer / BACS / Card payment, must be paid directly into PYP's company account; PYP's bank details are included on the invoice which is issued on confirmation of all sales for products and services.
  • What are the terms and conditions for Donation payments?'
    Donation payments are very important to PYP because they are an additional source of income that supplies the top-up we need to help keep the organisation alive. Not-for-profit organisations like PYP provide highly sought after community services, but are extremely difficult to sustain, which is why so many struggle, year-on-year to keep their heads above water. The key to success is to find a balance between income from revenue sales and those acquired through grant funding. However, PYP understands that whilst funding is great, there are no guarantees that it will always be available, which is why we work hard to generate income from donations as another means of survival. Our preferred method for all donation payments is via direct bank transfer. However, we appreciate that there may be times when it is not possible to do so and to deny cash or cheque payments could result in us missing out on the donation all together. So for this reason, and because there is no risk of loss to the organisation, we are happy to receive payments howsoever the donor wishes to make the contributions. ​ When making a donation to PYP, the following apply: ​ We will accept cash donation payments; We will accept cheque donation payments; We will provide a reference code to track the payment (where applicable); We will accept donations into PYP's bank account via Bank Transfer, BACS and Card payment facilities; We will issue each donor with PYP's bank account details so payments can be made (unless a direct link is provided).
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